So you’ve decided to TNR your colony cats – wonderful! Now you’ll need a trap. We are happy to loan you a trap for personal use.

Unfortunately, there are FAR MORE feral cats than there are available barns.

St Louis Feral Cat Outreach works with many dedicated volunteers, politicians, businesses, rescues, and other community stakeholders to work to manage cat homelessness.

Winter shelter is critical for feral and stray cats living in frigid climates and can help them thrive despite the low temperatures.

If the cat(s) appear feral, rescue groups will not commit to taking them because they are not adoptable. You should proceed with TNR at this point. You can get appointments at the following clinics who provide low cost services for feral cats

About Us

We are a Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Nonprofit and Resource Page for St. Louis, MO, and surrounding areas. The best way to keep up with us is on Facebook: Please “Like” our page and share it with others!

Our goal is to reduce the feral cat population in St. Louis, MO and surrounding communities while improving the quality of life for both cats and humans. High-volume use of low-cost or free spay-neuter services to sterilize feral, semi-feral, stray, and domestic cats will help us achieve this goal. In 2017 alone, we TNR-ed over 1300 community cats!

Like us on Facebook to follow the stories of the trappers, get tips, and see photos and videos of cats that have gone through the TNR process. Check back often for updates and get involved as much as you want.

About US

Barn Cat Programs and Adoption

Barn Cat Program

Unfortunately, there are FAR MORE feral cats than there are available barns. We do NOT have an ongoing barn program. If you are looking to relocate your cats, please click here to learn from Alley Cat Allies why relocation is the last resort. Please note that STLFCO does NOT relocate cats for you. We are very sorry for the inconvenience but we get hundreds of calls asking for relocation. There is usually no where for these cats to go – and relocation is dangerous! Instead, we recommend TNR.

If you are interested in having your own barn cats, however, read on…

Adopt A Barn Cat

Barn cats are working cats who are used to outdoor life, prefer minimal to no human contact, and who will happily tend to your mouse, mole, snake, chipmunk, or other vermin problems!

You’ll Be Saving Lives! A barn home is the last chance at life for these cats. Without barn adopters they have nowhere else to go

Barn Cats have been ALTERED.

You won’t have to worry about endless litters of kittens…

Vet Checked and Approved with one year rabies vaccination

st. louis regional tnr

St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach services the St. Louis Metropolitan Region and surrounding Areas. We occasionally assist with other regions when resources are available. 

Due to high volume, our trapping assistance is extremely limited. We always have traps available for loan, and can currently fund TNR at our approved Veterinarian facilities. To use our resources, we must give you approval. Please contact us at [email protected] and we would love to assist you.

Adopt a barn cat

Your Obligation:

The ground owners who adopt agree to give them:

  1. Shelter in a barn, outbuilding or stable
  2. Daily Food and Water -cats cannot live on mice alone
  3. Veterinary Care, as needed
  4. A Secure Place to Keep Them for 3 Weeks

while they acclimate to your area (this must be a secure indoor enclosure that keeps them from leaving). STLFCO will guide you through the process and help with set up and/or needed supplies

Save A Life Today! 

Contact us at (314) 669-5228.

Why relocation is the last resort

Click on the link above to find out

Board Members

STLFCO is an all volunteer organization. We have over 80 dedicated, passionate individuals who work full time jobs, manage families, and disabilities – but still find time to help as many cats as possible.

Christine Bowen


Christine is one of the original founders of the group, and she has been doing TNR for over 20 years.

Cari Roeber


Cari learned about TNR and St Louis Feral Cat Outreach when searching for a solution for a colony of cats in her own neighborhood. TNR for that entire colony lit a passion for continuing to help other community cats across the metro area. She enjoys collaborating with other local rescue groups when we need assistance with friendly kittens or medical cases.

Terri Zeman

Vice President

Terri Zeman started TNRing cats, and the occasional dog, over 30 years ago with money from her own pocket and help from her neighbors and friends. She is a world traveler, an environmentalist and an avid recycler, and in her spare time a mechanic, a beekeeper, and a gardener.

Katrina Wallis


Katrina believes in the power and efforts of TNR (trap, neuter, return) and that even feral cats deserve to live a happy, healthy life outdoors. She joined STLFCO after learning about TNR through Jennifer and Joseph Nam-Hatton. She assists in many aspects throughout the rescue community such as TNR, transporting, networking for rural areas and fostering for a wide variety of rescues.

Kimberly Landis


A lifelong animal welfare advocate, Kimberly plans and executes our Board of Directors meetings as well as volunteer events. She manages the progress of ongoing projects and assists with social media management.

Didi Brady


Didi became involved in animal rescue when she adopted two dogs from a local rescue and married their foster dad. Her family has fostered over 300 dogs, cats, and parrots in the past 20 years. She became interested in TNR in 2019, when they purchased a home with an existing feral colony.

Winter Shelter Builds

Donations of styrofoam boxes are always needed in winter. Many places receive shipments in Styrofoam boxes – stores that sell live fish, veterinary offices, medical offices, people get shipments of medication and food in them. You would be surprised what you can find by asking others on social media.

Our group does a shelter build at least once annually and provide shelters. Please check with us if you would like to put a shelter out for a cat and cannot make one of your own. We generally have shelters available starting in November until we run out (usually before the end of the year). Please plan ahead!

What is Winter shelter?

Community Cat Shelter options


Rescue List

Complete Rescue List Around St. Louis Area

Feral cat

What is Feral Cat? And  other related information


Intake forms, Trap Loans, and other documents

TNR Questions

Question and Answers you may have about TNR

Trap Loan Program

So you’ve decided to TNR your colony cats – wonderful! Now you’ll need a trap. We are happy to loan you a trap for personal use.

Trap RulE 1

You MUST have an appointment at a clinic for spay/neutering prior to borrowing a trap. Contact one of our approved clinics for an appointment. Unless you have prior authorization, you will be responsible for the cost of the procedure. Make sure you mention that you are working with feral cats – so you can get the discounted rate! Rates range from $20 to $50 for a feral cat spay/neuter. For low income people, cost sharing is possible on a case by case basis.

trap rule 2

You will likely need to pick up a trap from one of our volunteers – contact us to coordinate!

Trap Rule 3

A volunteer will talk you through how to set the trap. Make sure you use a liner and cover the cat once you catch him! 

NOTE: After caught, it is extremely important to cover the TRAP Cover so the ANIMALs do NOT HURT THEMSELVES!

Trap Rule 4

NEVER leave a trap unattended.


DO NOT open a trap with a cat in it without use of an Isolator


The night before surgery, do not feed the cat after 7pm. Hold the cat for 24 hours after surgery and then release back to where you found him.

Trap Loan Program

Important Reminder: It is important to cover your trap after you’re trapping a Feral Cat. The trap covering prevent the Feral Cat from hurting themselves! 

Feral Cat Education

St Louis Feral Cat Outreach works with many dedicated volunteers, politicians, businesses, rescues, and other community stakeholders to work to manage cat homelessness. Each cat we fix and return is another cat that won’t reproduce – and fewer kittens for years to come.

If a cat is fixed and vaccinated, they will be less inclined to fight, will transmit fewer diseases, and are able to live safer lives outdoors. TNR is the only effective, humane solution for outdoor cats. Plus: by joining our TNR efforts, you will have an access to a wealth of resources and passionate, dedicated volunteers who want to get the cat population under control in St Louis.

Frequently asked Questions

Click the button below for information about cats and wildlife – including information about the myth that cats are responsible for massive wildlife depletion.


Click the button below for information about how cats can live happy and safe lives outdoors – thanks to TNR!


St. Louis City and County

Carol House Quick Fix Clinic:
Address: 1218 S Jefferson 314-771-PETS –
Hours: M-F appts
  $15/rabies vaccination – cats must come in 1 per trap for this rate and get eartip. Rates may be lower for those on assistance and from time to time other promotions are available. Low cost spay/neuter for friendly cats is also available at a slightly higher rate.

Operation Sterile Feral 314-995-9266 – 1 or more Sunday clinics per month in St. Charles county – call for rates and dates.

Feral Friendly Vets



Trap Loan Form


Printable Trap Load Form

Feral Intake Sheets


Printable Feral Intake Sheets

General Liability Release 


General Liability Release

Release From liability


Release From Liability 

Post Surgery Instructions 


Printable Post Surgery Instructions  

Code of Conduct           


Printable Code of Conduct                 

Feral Intake sheet w/ inst.


Printable Feral Intake Sheet with Instructions

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